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B2B Digital Marketing: MyHCBA

"MyHCBA" is the B2B brand of the Heritage Corridor Business Alliance, and is your way to get in front of fellow members of our organization.  These are typically business owners and higher-ups at many different businesses and organizations in the Lemont and Homer Glen area.  Our reach does also include some organizations in Lockport, Darien, and other surrounding areas.

MyHCBA cover with Quarryman Challenge

Web Site is the digital home of our B2B web site, and is the site you are on currently.  We take the information you give us to create a profile in our directory, as well as program events and job postings.  Want us to spread the word on specific B2B promotion or send out a discount to fellow members - we can do that too!

Screen shots of MyHBCA on Facebook and Instgram, along with E-Newsletter

Digital Marketing

We also publish stories on Facebook, Instagram, and our weekly e-newsletter.  Our goal is to push all of the engaging content you give us, including events and job postings.


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