Heatshock is Bringing a New Service to the Gym

Normatec boots are widely used in the world of athletes from the NFL to people in the IRONMAN but we want to make them accessible to our members at Heatshock.
Teams/athletes such as...
- Kansas City Chiefs
- Dallas Cowboys
- Lebron James
- Kevin Durant
all use Normatec boots to stay on the top of their game
What actually is a Normatec Boot?
Normatec boots are a full length compression boot that applies compression in segmented portions over a selected period of time at the desired intensity level.
Benefits of Normatec Boots:
Decreased Muscle Tension and Inflammation: When you decrease tension and inflammation in your muscles your recovery time between workouts is sped up. Shorter recovery time means you can get back in the gym and stick to your fitness plan.
No more skipping workouts due to soreness
Increase Range of Motion and Flexibility: "Flexibility is the ability of a joint or series of joints to move through an unrestricted, pain free range of motion". When your muscles aren't tense and tight you will be able to move easier which decreases your chances of injury.
Increased Circulation: Increasing your circulation to extremities is important for your overall well-being. By using Normatec boots you are making a positive impact on your heart and muscles.
Come give them a try because recovery is an important part of a fitness plan!
Talk to a member of our team during your next visit.
Article originally appeared at https://www.heatshockhomerglen.com/post/normatec-boots-recovery